Easy Report: Meal Delivery Demand

A descriptive analysis on a restaurant’s meal delivery service

Bagus Guntur Farisa
3 min readFeb 11, 2023
Photo by Mikhail Nilov: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-in-white-shirt-taking-out-food-delivery-from-the-bag-6969765/

Business Context

A (hypothetical) restaurant is providing a meal delivery service for its customers. It serves various meal options, supported by fulfillments placed on various locations.


The restaurant wants to understand the demand of its delivery service for the last 3 months (12 weeks).

The Dataset

The dataset contains the delivery order data from past 145 weeks.
Note: I queried the dataset from multiple tables. To check the original tables, visit this Kaggle page.

The dataset used

The order IDs are grouped by the week when the order is delivered (week 1 to 145). According to the objective, the last 3 months (12 weeks) would be order data grouped in week 133–145.

Each order ID contains:

  1. Base price (meal’s original price) and checkout price (final price including discount, taxes, and delivery charges) in Indian Rupee.
  2. Meal category (beverages, pizza, starters, etc.) and a cuisine type (Indian, Continental, Thai, Italian).
  3. Fulfillment region, where the meal is delivered from (the region is number-coded: 56, 77, etc.)

Each order ID is labeled whether the meal is promoted in the email marketing and/or the homepage’s featured section


Exhibit 1

The weekly sum of checkout price has increased by 0.48% while the number of order has decreased by 1.68% for the same time frame (W133-W145).

Exhibit 2

Most frequent checkout price is in 300–350 Rupee range. On the other hand, the median of the checkout price is 331.3 Rupee.

Exhibit 3

Continental cuisine has the highest total checkout price.
Despite the fact that it has the lowest number of order, it has the highest average checkout price per order among the others.

The opposite can be said to the Thai cuisine. It has the lowest sum of checkout price despite the fact it placed second in number of order.

Exhibit 4

Beverages has the highest weekly sum of checkout price. Despite the relatively low checkout price, beverages contributed to 27% of number of order.

Exhibit 5

Region 56 has the most weekly sum of checkout price. That said, the fulfillment facilities in that region delivers 500,000 Rupee worth of orders everyweek.

Exhibit 6

Most of the meals ordered are not promoted on the hompage nor the email marketing campaign.

Interactive Dashboard

Tableau — Meal Delivery Dashboard



Bagus Guntur Farisa
Bagus Guntur Farisa

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